Collection: Emily Jamison
Art was always a part of Emily’s life, but it wasn't until after the birth of her first son that she began sharing her work publicly. Without formal art education or training, she never considered herself worthy of doing so...until one day, when she decided she was done hiding behind her fear. As fellow social worker Brené Brown says, "Vulnerability is not just about fear and grief and is the birthplace of everything we are hungry for." Emily knew she was hungry to share her weaknesses and shortcomings -- in life and art -- with the world. She knew that opening herself up to criticism as she stumbled along the journey of finding herself as an artist would be the "birthplace" of deeper things. For her, sharing her art is a public act that represents the deepest desire within each one of us to be fully loved AND fully known. It’s the physical acting out of her drive for authenticity, relationships, and meaning-making
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